Vectipelta differs from other ankylosaurs by the possession of the following autapomorphies: anteriorly projecting lip on the ventral surface of the anterior articular facet of the axis; deep fossa present in the floor of the neural canal, piercing the centrum in cervical and caudal vertebrae; postzygapophyses of cervical vertebrae widely separated by a deep, transversely broad and dorsoventrally elongate fossa containing a midline ridge extending dorsally towards the neural spine; epipophyses present in posterior cervical vertebrae; highly rugose ridges extending ventrally from the parapophyses to the centrum in anterior dorsal vertebrae; anterior centroparapophyeal laminae present on the neural arches in mid-dorsal vertebrae; ischium with elongate, gently curving shaft in lateral view that is straight in anterior view; sacral shield smooth on its dorsal surface with gently undulating low-relief ornamentation.