The Dinosaurs - Vectidromeus, an Isle of Wight Hypsilophodontid


an Isle of Wight Hypsilophodontid

Vectidromeus to scale with a human and Hypsilophodony


Isle of Wight Runner


60cm (2 foot)


Hypsilophodontidae Dollo, 1882

Vectidromeus insularis Longrich et al 2023


The type specimen was found at Sudmoor Point, in the Sudmoor Point Sandstone near the base of the exposed Wessex Formation, and over 150 meters below the Hypsilophodon bed that produced the holotype of Hypsilophodon foxii.

A maximum of 3 million years separate the Sudmoor Point Sandstone and the Hypsilophodon beds that produced the Hypsilophodon holotype.

Although Vectidromeus is similar to Hypsilophodon, it can be distinguished by a convex dorsal margin on the neural spines of the dorsal vertebrae, an ilium with a short,

ventrally directed pubic peduncle and a strongly arched dorsal margin, short and deep posterior ala of ilium,and a laterally exposed brevis fossa.

The ischium has a broad, rectangular distal blade, with the obturator process small and weakly demarcated from ischium. The femur has a large, broad fourth trochanter, similar to that of Hypsilophodon.